This was a thesis project that was completed in Sweden, so the terms may be a little different, but the results speak loudly. Her thesis was written to look at immediate treatment by a physiotherapist (PT) with or without referral from a physician compared to being on a waiting list for 4 weeks.
"We saw that both groups improved after the treatment ended. The group that had been given early access to an examination and individualised treatment maintained their improvement after six months, while the group that had been held on a waiting list were more likely to suffer with recurring back pain," says Nordeman, who draws the conclusion that early examination and treatment by a physiotherapist as soon as a patient asks for care could be important for reducing low back pain in the long term.Early treatment for low back pain is important as this can help alleviate pain sooner and for a longer duration of time. Low back pain affects 80% or more of the population. Many time low back pain is recurrent and this typically stems from multiple injuries to the same area.
Even though this was a thesis study, the results are similar to what physical therapists have been saying for a long time. Back pain is a common problem in society. Check with us to see if you need to see your physician prior to coming to therapy. Ohio law does not require a prescription to be evaluated by a physical therapist, but your insurance company may. Let us check for you. See a physical therapist to help with your back pain!
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