Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Social Media and PT

I recently read a blog from the APTA questioning if I was a social media holdout or addict? This was more a post to have members compelte a survey about the amount the do or plan on using social meida outlets in their practices. As I read through this post, I wonder what I am? I follow quite a few blogs that are related to PT, politics, wine, cigars (2 of my vices), and small business ideas. I have been trying to do my own blog (this) with poor results. I find I dont have enough time to get this done nearly as often as I would like. Maybe I am spending too much time reading everyone else's blogs. Anyway, I know Hardin Rehab and Wellness will be in the process of starting a website, and possibly a Twitter page. We already have a Facebook page. 'Like' us on Facebook and get updates as we progress into more social media. Hopefully will continue to increase my posting here also.

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