Sunday, January 24, 2010

MRI abundance may lead to excess in back surgeries, Stanford study shows

MRI abundance may lead to excess in back surgeries, Stanford study shows

Take a look at the number of magnets there are in your city and surrounding area. The increased number of machines appears to lead to increased rates of back surgery.

This is not really a surprise to me as I treat many patients that come to PT reporting "I had an MRI and it showed a bulging disc. I'm not sure why I'm her since I will need back surgery." I realize there is a tie and place for back surgery, but there is a far greater incidence of lumbar surgery in the US that many other industrial nations. The US performs approx 1.2 million spinal surgeries per year, double the rate of other comparable countries. I also know that to many people are looking for a "quick fix" for their back pain. Research has shown that people with low back pain that go to physical therapy have less surgery, incur less costs, and have better outcomes than those that do not utilize physical therapy services.

If you have back pain, SEE YOUR PHYSICAL THERAPIST!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Starting off

Well, I am about to take on something that I have been wanting to do for about 2 years now. Start writing about my experiences and how as a physical therapist (PT) I can change the world. I hear many stories from patients that want to get better, but don't seem to want to work at getting better. Our bodies are incredible machines. We need to take care of this machine. There is no one right way to improve this machine. As in many professions, there are different approaches and opinions on the best approach to treatment. Some PT's go with the old, this is what I've always done, or been shown to do. Others try different approaches. In the end, all PT's are trying to make changes, but some are more efficient than others.

I was that PT that did things because that what we always did. Over the past 5 years, I have furthered my education, looking for evidence to support my treatment plans, and working to improve how to communicate this to my patient. I recently completed my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of St. Augustine in Florida. This has only made my desire to improve my knowledge and help my patients grow more than ever. I hope that my desire to find research will help others to search out the best in PT.